“Sometimes my mouth hits the accelerator before my brain has gone into gear.” – Julie Mason
Have you ever said ‘Yes’ to something when deep inside you is screaming ‘Noooooo, don’t do it!!!”?
And when you do, the energy you bring to whatever it is that you have agreed to do is just not your best energy. You drag your feet. Procrastination moves in and gets comfy. Then guilt arrives and you start avoiding the person you gave your agreement to…sound familiar?
Why do we do this to ourselves?
Well, it comes from this deep need for other’s approval. But lurking underneath that is where we really get to the core of the issue…and that is how you see your own self-worth.
Self-worth is a slippery thing for many of us who are passionate about what we do but not yet internally convinced that the world sees our value. That’s why we accept less than we are worth and then we get quietly resentful. And resentment is a nasty...
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